Learning KPop Dance!

From our program, they offered a free KPOP dance lesson. Of course I took up that offer (as did many girls…very few boys did though 😛  )  We learned the dance to Like This by the Wondergirls. (Here’s the original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EZTUYwjWBs)

 We had a pretty big group of people learning and four instructors, who thankfully went slow for most of it…but there were a few parts I was completely confused on when the tempo sped up!

 This part was really difficult when the music was added!

Here’s one of the last times we did the whole dance:

It looks like it’s on fast-forward, but it’s the real speed… it was so difficult keeping up with our instructors (who were on stage). At the end we were supposed to squish into a big group and pose, that’s why we look so weird at the end! 🙂

 Me (in the turquoise shirt) and the girl in the foreground was one of the instructors.

 On stage in front of everyone doing the dance…so nervous!

 This is me dancing with my group on stage in front of everyone!

 Everyone posing with the instructors! So great! It was so much fun!

Now to practice and show off my moves to my friends! 🙂

2 responses

    • Yeah, I was surprised how quickly I learned the dance with teachers there. They didn’t help each of us individually, but I guess being there seeing them do it over and over again really helped!

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